Entries in Shutters in Seattle (4)


Shoji Screen in Seattle 

A busy retired professional couple were ready to renovate their Bellevue condominium and add shutters to their windows. They chose Newport Shutters to craft these shutters and then as the project progressed asked if we could also make shoji screens. Our production facility in Redmond allows us to be able to size our own wood and do all our finishing inhouse. As a result we were well-equiped to make these beautiful shoji screens in addition to the shutters. They turned out superb!


Does Custom Shutters mean Expensive?

When the word 'custom' is mentioned, the fear of overwhelming prices often comes to mind. The fact that Newport Custom Shutters has the word 'custom' in its business name does not signify that our shutters are more expensive. Our bids are usually very close to comparable products made in China and in many cases much lower than our competitors. Since we are the manufacturer, we can pass on the savings to you, our client. Call today for our free-in-home design estimate and you will be pleasantly surprised at how competitive shutters made in the USA can be. Couple that with a short lead time of 3-4 weeks, instead of 8-12 from overseas and we think you will be sold on all the features we have to offer.


Shutters in Bellevue

We were requested to shutter a set of french doors for a client in Bellevue last year. The wrought iron door handle and lock were very large and protruding which presented a problem. If a standard size stile was used, the louvers would not have been able to open and close. One solution to this complication would be to mount the shutters on the outside of the window casing with a large, bulky hinging frame. After doing an onsite consulation, our designer, Phillip, resolved the issue by making the two outside stiles on the doors larger than all of the inner stiles. Thus, the shutters could be flush mounted inside the french door jamb and the louvers would open and close as intended.

This can be made possible when you hire a shutter specialist that has over 20 years design and installation experience. When combined with our own manufacturing facility, it enables us to custom make any part of the shutter to suit the design requirements. Please see the photos for greater detail. 


Seattle Louvered Doors


Louvered doors are a sophisticated addition to any interior. They are timeless in their styling and detail. Louvered doors go as well in a country cottage as they do in a high rise city apartment. The choices are as varied as your imagination. You may choose a louvered door that has louvers in the top section and a fixed panel in the lower half. The louvers can be set at a slight angle to allow ventilation which is an excellent choice for closets or built-in wall units that house electronic equipment. A louvered door can also have the louvers completely fixed closed to allow for maximum privacy and minimal noise transfer which is very practical for a bedroom. The installation choices are hinging, sliding, or bi-folding on an overhead track. Newport Custom Shutters is able to make custom stiles and rails to suit the design plans of your architect or designer as each door is made to order. We also finish the doors in any paint color or stain. Call us today to discuss your ideas and we will work to make them happen.